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Jul 25, 2019

Fifth video in our series on employing SCCM to prepare for Office deployment. On this episode, you'll get the steps to keep your managed Office apps up to date, learn when to install Office on top of an existing Office install, and how to troubleshoot day-to-day issues.

Jul 25, 2019

Fourth video in our series on employing SCCM to prepare for Office deployment. On this episode, you'll get the steps to create and configure an Office package: your options to define the experience for users, and the tools you'll want to know about along the way.

Jul 25, 2019

Third video in our series on employing SCCM to prepare for Office deployment. On this episode, we'll cover the rest of the preparation steps for Office deployment and management, inventory and readiness, add-in and macro compatibility, and more. You'll also learn the configuration prerequisites that you need to be aware...

Jul 25, 2019

Second video in our series on employing SCCM to prepare for Office deployment. On this episode and the next, you'll see what's different and how to plan for your Office deployment. You'll learn what to do and what not to do, and how to make sure any Office add-ins or macros will be compatible. You'll also learn...

Jul 25, 2019

First video in our series to help you prepare, upgrade, and manage Office in your organization. The primary focus is to move you from an older version of Office to a current release and how to stay up to date.