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Oct 9, 2020

How to enable seamless management across your hybrid and multi-cloud environments, and tap into Azure services locally, by taking advantage of the latest updates to Azure Arc and the newly refactored Azure Stack HCI.

Azure's always been hybrid by design — we took that hybrid expertise and extended it, enabling multi-cloud and multi-edge capabilities. Azure CVP Julia White joins Matt McSpirit, Senior Product Manager for Microsoft Azure, to show Azure hybrid capabilities that give you a seamless approach to running and managing your applications across on-prem, multi-cloud and at the edge.

• With Azure Arc you have a consistent control plane for all of your resources wherever they reside.

• With Azure Arc enabled services, you can deploy Azure fully managed services anywhere, on-prem, and on other clouds.

• With Azure Stack portfolio, you can bring Azure consistent infrastructure directly into your data centers and even run it on existing certified hardware with Azure Stack HCI.

This takes Hybrids to the next level. You can take advantage of Azure on your terms, and truly innovate anywhere.


00:00 - Introduction

02:18 - What you can do with Azure Arc

03:25 - Tech in action, and latest updates

05:11 - Azure Services anywhere

05:40 - Azure Stack Portfolio- updates to Azure Stack HCI

07:13 - How to deploy and manage

09:51 - Look at the experience within the Azure Portal

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To learn more about Azure Stack and Azure Arc, experience hands-on tutorials, and get access to the latest previews of everything, go to

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